
Ingliz tilida eng ommabop 100 ta ibora va so‘zlar jamlanmasi o‘zbek, rus tillarida

O‘zbek tilida Na russkom In English O‘qilishi
Xayrli tong Dobroye utro Good morning gud moning
Xayrli kun Dobriy den Good afternoon gud aftenun
Xayrli kech Dobriy vecher Good evening gud ivning
Xayrli tun Spokoynoy nochi Good night gud nayt
Salom! Privet! Hi! hay!
Assalomu alaykum! Zdravstvuyte! How do you do! hau du yu: du
Kechirasiz, ismingiz nima? Kak vas zovut? What is your name? uot iz yo neym?
Tanishganimdan xursandman Priyatno poznakomitsya Nice to meet you nays tu mit yu:
Mening ismim ..... Menya zovut ....... My name is …… may neym iz......
Sizni yana ko‘rishdan xursandman Rad vas snova videt I’m glad to see you again aym gled tu si yu: egein
Keling, mehmonxonada uchrashamiz Davayte, vstretimsya v


Let’s meet in the hotel


lets mit in ze (h)otel
Iltimos, gapingizni qaytaring Povtorite, pojaluysta Repeat, please repit pliz
Iltimos, bir daqiqa kutib turing Podojdite minutu, pojaluysta Wait a minute please ueyt e minit pliz
Ishlaringiz qalay? Kak vashi dela? How are you? hau a yu: ?
Iltimos, buni mana bu  yerga yozing Napishite eto zdes,


Write it here please rayt it hia pliz
Qanday yangiliklar bor? Kakiye novosti? What the news? uot ze nyus?
Yangiliklar bormi? Chto novogo? What the news? uot ze nyus?
Ko‘rishmaganimizga  ancha bo‘ldi Davno vas ne videl I haven’t see you for a long time ay hevnt si yu: for e

long taym

Mana mening tashrifnomam Vot moya vizitnaya karta Here is my card hia iz may kad
Do‘stimni tanishtirishga ruxsat eting Pozvolte predstavit vas

moyemu drugu

May I introduce you to my friend mey ay introdyus yu: tu may frend
Ishonchim komil emas Ya ne uveren I’m not sure Aym not shua
Men sizdan juda minnatdorman! Ya ochen vam blagodaren! Thank you very much! t(s)enk yu veri mach!
Maqtov uchun rahmat Spasibo za kompliment Thanks for the compliment t(s)enks fo ze  komplimint
Rahmat, bajonidil Spasibo, s udovolstviyem Thanks with my pleasure t(s)enks viz may pleja
Bajonidil S udovolstviyem With my pleasure uiz may pleja
Xayr Do svidaniya Good bye gud bay
Muvaffaqiyat tilayman! Udachi! Good luck! gud lak!
Ko‘rishguncha xayr Do vstrechi See you later si yu leyta
Yaqin orada ko‘rishguncha xayr Do skoroy vstrechi See you soon si yu sun
Yaxshi qoling Schatlivo I wish you good luck ay vish yu gud lak
Aloqada bo‘ling Ne propadayte Be in touch bi in tach
O‘zbek tilida Na russkom In English O‘qilishi
Rahmat Spasibo Thank you senk yu:
Katta rahmat Bolshoye spasibo Thanks a lot senks e lot

(“rahmatga javoban)


(v otvet na spasibo)

You are welcome yu a velkam
Ha Da Yes yes
Yo‘q Net No nou
Mana, marhamat

(nimadir berganda)

Vot, pojaluysta

(chto- to dayesh)

Here you are


hia yu a:


Hech narsa Nichego Nothing na:sing
Shahardan qancha uzoqda? Kak daleko ot  goroda? How is it far from city? Hau iz it fa from siti?
Shahardan uzoqmi? Daleko ot goroda? Far from city? Fa: from siti?
Nechta? Skolko? How many? Hau meni?
Buning narxi qancha? Skolko eto stoit? How much is it? Hau mach iz it?
Qancha vaqtni oladi? Kak dolgo? How long? Hau long?
Marhamat, bu yerga Syuda pojaluysta Here please Hia pli:z
Tushunmayapman Ne ponimayu I don’t understand Ay dont andestend
Uzr, yaxshi eshitmadim Izvinite, ya ne rasslishal Excuse, I haven’t caught


Eks’k’yuz ay hevnt


Sizdan keyin Posle vas After you afte yu:
Men adashib qoldim Ya zabludilsya I have lost the way ay hev lost ze vey
Inglizcha gapirasizmi? Vi govorite po-angliyski? Do you speak English? du yu: spik inglish?
Kim u? Kto on ? Who is he? Hu iz hi?
Kim bu? Kto tam? Who is there? Hu iz zea?
Nima? Chto? What? Uot?
Nima bu? Chto eto takoye? What is this? Uot iz zis?
Sizga qanday yordam berishim mumkin? Chem ya mogu vam pomoch? What can I do for you? Uot ken ay du for yu?
Nima bo‘ldi? Chto sluchilos? What’s happened? Uots heppend?
Siz nima dedingiz? Chto Vi skazali? What did you say? Uot did yu sey?
Nima deb o‘ylaysiz? Chto Vi dumayete? What do you think? Uot du yu sink?
Nima xohlardingiz? Chto bi Vi xoteli? What would you like? Uot vud yu layk?
Qayerda joylashgan? Gde (naxoditsya) ? Where (is) ? Vear ( iz)
Qayerda yashaysiz? Gde vi jivete? Where do you live? Vea du yu liv?
Qayerga? Kuda? Where? Vea?
Qayerga ketyapsiz? Kuda vi idete? Where are you going? Vera yu gouing?
Qachon? Kogda? When ? Ven?
Qachon keldingiz? Kogda Vi priyexali? When did you come? Ven did yu kam?
Qachon qaytasiz? Kogda Vi uyezjayete? When do you leave? Ven du yu liv?
Bu yerda yana qancha bo‘lasiz? Skolko Vi sobirayetes probit zdes? How long are you going to stay here? Hau long ar yu gouing tu stey hia?
Qanday? Kak? How? Hau?
Qanday borish mumkin? Kak proyti.....? How do I get to…..? Hau du ay get tu….?
Qayerdan? Otkuda? Where from? Vea from?
Siz qayerdansiz? Otkuda Vi ? Where do you come from? Vea du yu kam from?
Nimaga? Pochemu? Why? Uay?
Kimniki bu? Chey (che, chya) eto...? Whose is this …? Huz iz zis ...?
Bular kimniki? Chi eto? Whose are these ...? Huz ar zis ...?
Menda bor U menya yest I have Ay hev
Menda yo‘q U menya net I haven’t Ay hevnt
Sizga ... yoqadimi? Vam nravitsya...? Do you like….? Du yu layk..?
Bu qanday nomlanadi? Kak eto nazivayetsya? What is it called? Uot iz it kol(e)d ?
Biz qayerda uchrashamiz? Gde mi vstretimsya? Where shall we meet? Vea shel vi mit?
Taksini qayerdan ushlash mumkin? Gde mojno vzyat taksi? Where can I get a taxi? Vea ken ay get e teksi?
Sizga shahar (taom) yoqdimi? Vam nravitsya gorod (yeda) ? Do you like the city (food) ? Du yu layk ze siti (fud) ?
Sizlar yakshanba kuni ishlaysizlarmi? Vi rabotayete v voskresene? (o magazine, organizatsii) Are you open on Sunday? Ar yu oupen on sandey?
Qayerdan sovg‘a sotib olish mumkin? Gde mojno kupit suvenir? Where can I buy souvenir? Vea ken ay bay souvenir?

Shuhrat Sattorov to‘pladi